A place where recovering formerly incarcerated people can attend to learn useful skills that are in demand and provide guidance to a self-sufficiency.
lucrative for both the recovered and society.
{As usual, this is a placeholder for later}
Another example of why we don’t trust Government:
While we like the idea of a libertarian society, consider the view of folks such as Brian Doherty, who points out that one "has to believe" that "the instincts and abilities for liberty . . . are innate," that we possess "an ability to fend for ourselves in the Randian sense and to form spontaneous orders of fellowship and cooperation in the Hayekian sense." But this view of the relationship between the individual and society is profoundly and demonstrably false, especially when applied to the family.
Sometimes one has to make a difficult choice: Commies or Nazis?
Not either if we can...
Stalin was used to defeat Hitler.
Let's not support ANY form of totalitarian government, foreign or domestic.
Thank the Heavens that Obama/Biden have been partly taken out of power.
Hipster Brandeis is the term coined by Clinton Treasury Secretary Larry Summers for the Neo-Brandeisian (named after former Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis) approach to antitrust enforcement. Hipster Neo-Brandeisianists, like Brandeis himself, favor an aggressive use of antitrust to punish businesses for the crime of growing too big by efficiently satisfying consumers.
The 2024 U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai is a Neo-Brandeisianist.